Thursday, April 30, 2009

Review of 4/17-5/1

Monday: It tasted better the first time I made it...I think I had too much chicken this time and too little onions. So there was hardly any masala.

Tuesday: I used baby goat for the shamis. It was pretty fatty and filled with hair, so it was kind of nasty to clean. The shamis turned out to be very tasty. However, the khorma wasn't that great. I think because the recipe called for peanuts, which made it taste sweet. I should have used almonds instead, which is usually used in qormas.

Thursday: I just ended up making the orzo pasta dish. The husband really enjoyed it. I wasn't too crazy about it. I think it needed more flavor.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Week of 4/27-5/1

So my menu for this was a bit intense, so I decided to change it around a bit. Sorry for not having updated my blog (if there are any readers out there). Just been a little busy and tired this week.

Monday: Talawa Chicken
Tuesday: omg I am going to attempt to make shamis and kofte ka qorma
Wednesday: leftovers
Thursday: Side dish of Orzo and Caper Cream Chicken

Monday, April 20, 2009

Review of 3/20-3/25

Monday: Despite my cart being stolen with my grocery list, I was still able to get what I needed. As for the kheema, it was a mission trying to get the blood out. I was kind of paranoid about it not being cooked all the way, so I cooked it for longer. I also made tamata ki chutney and we had it with paratas. It actually tasted very good. I think the mint gave it a really nice flavor.

Husbands review: "Mmmm mmm ahh!! LOL!!"

Tuesday: This dish has a very mushroomy flavor. If you are not a big fan of mushrooms, then I would not suggest this recipe. It was very creamy, but I think it would taste a lot better with chicken.

Husbands review: "I would not give this a 10, but maybe a 9"

I don't think he really liked it due to the lack of meat lol.

Wednesday: I followed like three different recipes while making this dish because I was not satisfied with this one due to its lack of spice. And I ended up finding basil at an oriental store by my house that must have just started carrying it. Everyone really liked it. I was only partially satisfied.

Thursday: We had the zuchini salan with roti. The husband needed his protien so he fried up some frozen shami's. The salan was a standard salan, nothing special. Since the husband loves zuchini, he really liked the salan.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Week of 3/20-3/25

Let's hope this coming up week I have better luck....if I don't then I officially quit cooking!

Monday: I think I will be brave and make this recipe for Kheema.....dun dun dun
Tuesday: An old friend (wink wink) recommended Orchiette Pasta, made by Emeril Lagase!
Wednesday: Basil chicken with white rice
Thursday: I will be making a Zuchinni salan recipe from my desi cookbook. You can find a simliar one here.
Friday: Talawa chicken (again)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Review of 3/13-3/17

Monday: The husband said that the Talwa chicken was better than any talawa gosht he's ever had. I had to use nasty fat filled bloody boneless chicken thighs instead of breast. All you do is mix adrak laisan, salt, mirchi, and haldi in the chicken. Then you fry up an onion until red and add chicken mixture. Keep stirring and frying until it looks almost done. Then add about 6 TB of chopped up cilantro and some mirchi. Keep frying until it looks kinda brown and crunchy:)

Wednesday: Days like this make me hate cooking even more. So I started making the dish, noodles were ready to go. I opened the jar of pesto and there was a little bit of mold on the side by the jar rim. I wasn't sure what to do. I wasn't about to give up and not make my dish just cuz of this mold. So I took a spoon and took the moldy part out. I was still uncertain, so after I was done making it, I called Trader Joes. The guy told me it would probably be safer if I didn't use it. UGH!!!!! I was so pissed....and the story doesn't end there. We decided to go to McCormick and Shmick, since they were offering tax special. The wait was 45 min and alot of the menu items were gone. So then we said lets go to PF Changs. I called them, and they had 45 min wait too. Then we went to Big Bowl and it was the worst experience ever. I got green curry and it was not green curry...i had like 3 bites and i stopped eating...and im starving still.....sigh......why do humans need food????

Thursday: So guess what happened today? I opened up the new bag of rice that I got from my new "favorite" meat store. When I opened it, there was black stuff inside. I asked my mom and she said not to use did I make the biryani?? NOPE!!! I ate roti and yogurt while the husband had leftover nasty Big Bowl. If I can use 2 day old marinated meat, I will make the biryani tomorrow...hopefully.....sigh.

Friday: As always, I messed up on the rice...the biryani came out to be gulati (smushy and soft). I was not happy with it at all, but other people were. The problem is that this chef dude does not give exact measurements and I think that might have messed me up!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week of 3/13-3/17

So now I am back in full swing. Sorry for the short week last week, it was just a bit hectic. I am going to be changing some things around. So here is the menu for this week:

Monday: Talwa Chicken with tamata ki chutney. I gotta ask my mama for the recipe, will post later in reviews.

Wednesday: If you've ever been to Noodles and Co, you should try the Pesto Cavatappi. I've had a jar of peso sitting in my fridge forever, so I shall make try a copycat recipe of this yummy dish.

Thursday: I am going to experiment another dish with the VahreVah chef on Youtube. Today I will try making his Mutton Biryani.

Friday: I will more than likely have leftovers from the biryani, so we shall be enjoying that for dinner today. Biryani always tastes good the next day!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Review of 3/7-3/10

Wednesday: So I did not have kaffir lime leaves. I called so many stores, and none of them carried it. Instead, I substituted 1 TB of lemon zest. The lemongrass I had was old, so I don't think all of the flavor came out. Also, the recipe does not have exact measurements. Therefore, I don't think the chili paste I made turned out how it was supposed to. So I thought the Ayam Kelo was missing the umph, but the Husband was quite satisfied. He gave this dish SEVEN stars!!! woot woot!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Week of 3/7-3/10

Sorry for the short hiatus! I will be back in town on Wednesday-thus beginning my cooking escapade once again. This week will be kind of busy, but I will still plan out the menu just in case.

Also, if anyone knows how I can have my readers post recipes and pics as well, let me know! It will be greatly appreciated!!!

Wednesday: When we were in Malaysia, we tried this awesome coconut chicken dish. I don't remember the name, but we shall experiment with this similar dish called Ayam Kleo.

Friday: Still thinking...